Exhibitor press release opti 2025

Practice-oriented, international, top-class: the Master Degree Program at Aalen University

The lecturers: experienced professors from the US, who practice in optometric clincics, combine theoretical and practical content excellently. A fantastic international learning environment: students from Croatia, Slovenia, India, Nepal, Pakistan and the Philippines, Switzerland and Germany.

Hochschule Aalen Studiengänge Augenoptik/Optometrie
Aalen, Germany


This master's degree program at Aalen University is characterized by both a very high standard of theoretical training and an intensive practical part in which the techniques and strategies learned are applied to daily practice. In this way, the students can benefit maximally from what they have learned and the new knowledge can be cemented right from the start and integrated into everyday professional life. The experienced US professors who work in clinics and optometric practices combine theoretical and practical content extremely well. Alumni lead the laboratory events and offer tailor-made practical training and an optimal learning experience through individual support.

While initially mainly students from Germany and Switzerland were enrolled in this master's degree program, thanks to its excellent reputation, the degree program has now become very internationally positioned and there are currently also students from Croatia, Slovenia, India, Nepal, Pakistan and the Philippines.

Your contact person

Prof. Dr. Anna Nagl

Prof. Dr. Anna Nagl

Dean of Studies
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