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Video for your Customers: The Latest Generation of Alcon Contact Lenses

New times need new technologies: Alcon's contact lenses with a high water content on the surface set a new material standard. Find out more about Alcon's water surface lenses.

ALCON Deutschland GmbH Vision Care
79100 Freiburg, Germany


Contact lens technology has undergone a remarkable evolution over the past 50 years. 1] Nevertheless, one in two contact lens wearers still regularly experiences discomfort and about one in three contact lens wearers stops wearing lenses permanently for this reason. 2–5]

These complaints often result from the use of older lens technologies that are not designed for modern requirements such as working at computer screens and environmental influences.

To counteract this, Alcon has developed contact lenses with a high water content on the surface that set a new material standard and revolutionize comfort.

DAILIES TOTAL1® and TOTAL30® are made of almost 100% water at the surface* and provide high lubricity[**/***], which significantly improves comfort while wearing them.[6-12]

PRECISION1™ contact lenses have a water content of over 80% at the surface and offer your customers long-lasting comfort, even after 16 hours. [13-16]

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact your Alcon representative.

Find out more here: Alcon WaterInnovations™ Contact Lens Technology | Alcon US

Please refer to the package leaflet for complete instructions and safety information.


*Other proprietary wetting agents or other surface treatments may be used to enhance wettability, softness and comfort. Based on critical friction coefficient measured using the nano-tribometer (“worn” spherical lenses were worn on the eye for one full wear cycle: 14 days for ACUVUE OASYS^, 30 days for Biofinity^, ACUVUE V ITA^, Bausch+Lomb ULTRA^); p<0.05. ***Contact lenses were placed on a membrane-covered probe and pushed over living eye epithelial cells for 1,000 cycles with forces that mimic typical eye pressure. The coefficient of friction was calculated for each cycle and recorded for the duration of the experiment; compared with 4/4 ACUVUE^ OASYS MAX 1-DAY, 1-DAY ACUVUE^ MOIST, clarity^ 1day and MyDay^ contact lenses; p<0.01.

1. Musgrave CSA, Fang F. Kontaktlinsenmaterialien: A Materials Science Perspective. Materials (Basel). 2019;12(2):261. Veröffentlicht 2019 Jan 14. 2. Nichols JJ, Wilcox MOP, Bron AJ, et al. TFOS International Workshop on Contact Lens Discomfort: Executive Summary. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2013;54:TFOS7-TFOS13. 3. Dumbleton K, Woods CA, Jones LW, Fonn D. Der Einfluss moderner Kontaktlinsen auf
das Absetzen von Kontaktlinsen. Eye Contact Lens. 2013;39(1):93-99. 4. Pritchard N, Fonn D, Brazeau D. Abbruch des Kontaktlinsentragens: eine Umfrage. Int Cont Lens Clin 1999;26:157-62. 5. Online consumer survey of 2,021 Current/Lapsed CL wearers and Spectacle wearers carried out by Market Vision in December 2021 (France n=405, Germany n=401, Italy n=411, Australia n=402 and South Korea n=402).      6. Thekveli S, Qui Y, Kapoor Y, et al. Structure-property relationship of delefilcon A lenses. Contact Lens Anterior Eye. 2012;35(Suppl 1):e14. 7. Angelini TE, Nixon RM, Dunn AC, et al. Viscoelasticity and mesh-size at the surface of hydrogels characterized with microrheology. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2013;54:E-abstract 500. 8. In vitro analysis of lehfilcon A lens oxygen permeability, water content, and surface imaging; Unveröffentlichte interne Alcon Studie A02491-REP-197506 v2.3, 2021. 9. In vitro analysis of lehfilcon A contact lenses outermost surface softness and correlation with water content; Unveröffentlichte interne Alcon Studie A02491-REP-198231-1, 2021. 10. Pedro DI, Sawyer WG. (2023) Surface gel layers reduce shear stress and damage of corneal epithelial cells: somofilcon A, senofilcon A, stenfilcon A, etafilcon A, verofilcon A, and delefilcon A. University of Florida. 11. Prüfung des Lubrizitätsfaktors der sphärischen Kontaktlinsen LehfilconA und handelsüblichen Linsen mit einem Nanotribometer; REF-10951. Unveröffentlichte interne Alcon Studie.2020. 12. Wolffsohn JS, Dumbleton K, Huntjens B, et al. CLEAR - Evidenzbasierte Kontaktlinsenpraxis. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2021;44(2):368-397. 13. PRECISION1™(DDT2) Lens with Smart Surface. Unveröffentlichte interne Alcon Studie. A01660-REP-044605. 02/2019 14. Hines B, et. al. Clinical subjective performance of two daily disposable toric soft contact lenses. Poster presented at: American Optometric Association, Chicago. June 15-18, 2022  15. Fogt J, Patton K: Long day wear experience with water surface daily disposable contact lenses. Clinical Optometry. 2022(14): 93-99. 16. Clinical Study Summary – Clinical Performance of Two Daily Disposable Toric Soft Contact Lenses. Claims support summary. Unveröffentlichte interne Alcon Studie. 30. CLA306-P001, 30. Nov 2021.

Content excerpt from: DACH-T30-2400040 08/24 © 2024 Alcon

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