Discussion: Who is responsible for sustainability - the optician or the industry?

Hen or egg, how sustainable can opticians be and who can or must lead the way? Some opticians are demanding sustainability from their suppliers, while some manufacturers are taking action themselves regardless.

The path to a sustainable industry must be taken together - who is more responsible?

Presentation language: German with English translation

Speakers (4)

Ingo Rütten

Ingo Rütten


Matthias Neumann

Matthias Neumann

Sustainability Officer der Rodenstock Group und Mitglied der IG Nachhaltigkeit

Armin Netuschil-Ameloh

Armin Netuschil-Ameloh

Vice President Zentralverband der Augenoptiker und Optometristen und Inhaber von Ameloh Optik

Holger Rieß

Holger Rieß

Head of Marketing at Visall GmbH and Member of the IG Nachhaltigkiet

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