“Voluntary” sustainability reporting in ophthalmic optics

Sustainability activities often go unmentioned and are therefore simply not seen. In this round of discussions, they will be made transparent by different players from industry.

The industry often doesn't dare to announce its successes because there are still problems elsewhere. And the opticians also don't want to be suspected of trying to do clumsy marketing. In addition, sustainability reporting requires work and effort, but it is still worth it.

Presentation language: German with English translation

Speakers (5)

Ingo Rütten

Ingo Rütten


Matthias Köste

Matthias Köste

Managing Partner of pricon, Initiator OPTIC.FAMILY SDG-Statement and member of IG Nachhaltigkeit

Frank Sonnenberg

Frank Sonnenberg

certified CSR manager (IHK), freelance cross-media journalist and member of IG Nachhaltigkeit

Markus Temming

Markus Temming

Managing Director at Markus T

Andreas Schmidt

Andreas Schmidt

Owner of Augenblick Brillen Kontaktlinsen GmbH

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