The premium progressive lens SEIKO Brilliance elevates overall vision and wearing comfort to an entirely new level in the segment of individual progressive lenses. It integrates five innovative technologies, marking another milestone in the company's outstanding history of innovation.
In the development of SEIKO Brilliance, the focus was on aspects that experience has shown to be decisive for the acceptance of high-end progressive lenses by end-users. The so-called "digital life" plays an important role. How should progressive lenses be designed today to ensure optimal vision comfort during the intensive use of digital devices and reduce eye strain caused by constant shifts in focus between the device, intermediate, and distance zones?
Especially for eyeglass wearers with high prescription values, aesthetics is crucial. How can the natural appearance of eyeglass wearers be preserved concerning eye size and facial contours, even with higher prescription values, to meet the highest aesthetic requirements?
Every spectacle wearer wants to experience maximum visual comfort right from the start. How can the acclimatization period be minimized so that new progressive lenses are immediately comfortable to wear and offer the wearer real support in everyday life from the very first moment?
Personal vision requirements vary greatly - the individualization of eyeglass lenses is key to optimal vision comfort. An important question is: How can the highest possible customization of progressive lenses be achieved so that eyeglass wearers do not need to compromise their vision or lifestyle habits?
SEIKO Brilliance provides compelling solutions for all these questions, employing five innovative technologies that seamlessly interlock to deliver optimal vision and wearing comfort.
The Personal Design Selection System selects the optimal progressive lens for each customer from over 300 design variations, considering individual wearing parameters, personal lifestyle, refractive values, and the previously worn progressive lens design.
The TwinEye 360° Modulation Technology enhances 3D binocular vision and depth perception for varying lens strengths (R/L) and dynamic visual conditions.
With the Digital Zoom Equalizer, eyeglass wearers benefit from broader viewing areas and relaxed transitions between near and intermediate distances during the daily use of digital devices.
The new Intelligent Magnification Control reduces the different self-magnification/reduction effects between the far and near range. The result is more natural images of the viewed objects for both hyperopic and myopic eyeglass wearers.
For the first time, The Balance Zone Technology is introduced in a Seiko progressive lens, ensuring maximum vision comfort with exceptional aesthetics and lightness.
SEIKO Brilliance lenses are a contemporary solution for all progressive lens wearers who refuse to compromise.