Product-Highlight opti 2024

Acuaiss contains hyaluronic acid, which is the ideal substance for eye care.

We are increasingly recognizing the significance of maintaining optimal ocular health. Despite the inherent defense and regeneration mechanisms of our eyes, they often face exposure to adverse conditions such as heating, air conditioning, and prolonged screen use.

Disop offers a range of ocular health products, all unified by the exceptional moisturizing properties of hyaluronic acid.

Acuaiss Dual Gel, a groundbreaking artificial tear with a unique design, is featured within our ocular health product line.  This liquid-based drop combines a gel-like texture and dual polymer with two moisturizers (0.30% hyaluronic acid + 0.10% hydroxyethyl cellulose). Both wetting agents form a mesh that hydrates and protects the eye, promoting a prolonged sense of comfort.