Zentralverband der Augenoptiker und Optometristen (ZVA)

Short description

The Central Association of Opticians and Optometrists (ZVA) represents the interests of the profession in public. The association is the point of contact at national level and supports the opticians' guilds in a wide range of areas.


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About us

The primary objective of the ZVA is to safeguard and optimise the economic framework conditions for independent opticians.  As a member of one of the guilds or regional guilds, opticians receive individual support in all operational matters from the relevant regional guild

The ZVA represents the interests of the profession at various levels:

  • At federal level, the ZVA negotiates with legislators, federal ministries, authorities and health insurance funds. 
  • It provides information for opticians, consumer associations, the media, health insurance funds, politicians, legislators and the optical industry. 
  • The ZVA is also responsible for the development of the professional profile as well as training and further education. 
  • It provides its members and the public business benchmarks, statistics and market observations
  • The association regularly publishes practical guides and checklists for opticians and optometrists on selected topics.
  • In the area of communication, the ZVA uses various measures to sensitise consumers to the importance of good vision and the associated role of opticians' guilds and is available to the media as a contact partner for optical topics.